Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 73, 13 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

:1UST ARFilVED, m y 1 5} Bahy Carr;ages 0F AJLL STYLES, foi , petp, l(ugp, Ipp, 1N THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD’’ Se\ving Machines Haxd Sewixo Maohixes, { .8**AU With the Latest Improvt menL."^^ PAHLOK Organs, Guitars, And Otber Mnsioal Iustrnnit'iits. \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 OX HAXD, AXD FOR SALE BY ED. 90FFSCHLiEG£B 4 C0. King St.. oppo. Castle Jc Cooke’a. ***-'■ ~ " ! ]tonal Iron woi 1 !^ Qi ekx Steeet, Between Alakea ā iiiehanl Sts, THE rU\DERSIOXED nre prepar.*d to make rll kioda of Iran Brnss. Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings. Ako a General Repair Shop for Steam Kngiuet>, Rice MiID, Corn Miila, Water Wheels, Wind Mills. ctc. Machiues for the-Cleaning of Coffre, Castor Oils, Bt*ans, Ramie, SĪNftI, Pineapple Leaves A other Fibrons I’ianl», And Paper Stock) AI?o Machines for Extracting Starch froa> the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. ty AU Orders promptly attended lo. WHITE, RITMAN <ft CO. Long Branch |BATHING Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathmg Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on the islamls to enjoy a bath aml tbere is no better plaee to lay ofl‘. S|>ecia! aeeommo<lations for Laclies. Tramcars pass the door every halfhonrami on Satnrdays anel Sandays every fifteen minntes. C. J. SHERWOOD Proprretor. | ■ ” IW0BG 8196 GHGHG t C0. CorLtxactor E\xild.er l-*aintinfv, Jcc. We also keep on han 1 j 8edsteads, Mattrasses. Tables. Bookcases. Mirrors i, Etc„ ■ AT THĒ LOWEST UARKET PR!CES No. 216 Kiog st., Honololn de4 3m