Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 73, 13 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THE ALBU CONCERT. Ta-morrow evening the M»sses Aibu give their second concert before a Honoluin amlienee. has been annonnced as tbe»r Scotcb, English anel Irish eoncert. The program»ne consists o{ popular Hallan.ls of thv.<se eoun tries. The joung ladies will sing the Duets, !><iinted Moihfr , (Maritana) and Bluinenthal’s 1 enelian Bo*'t Sonj. The seats are being speediv engaged, so if you want one, you will have to hurry. The Bishop Donation. The munificent donation of Mr. C. R. Bishop to the Kamehameha SchooIs of certaii« lands on M->lo-kai. is not s<» oii;nificent as our contemporaries in their usual madlin n»anner, >lesire tne puhlie to believe The fact is. that the Molokai property in questi«>n »vas owned by Mrs l’auahi Bish p. and the ine >me from it by her beque.itheil to Mr. C. R. Bishop f*r life, then to he used f<>r the benefit of the eeiioola. Mr. B:shop has consequently oniy relingu;shed the inoome derived fron» those lands, whieh he. of course, very easily cou'd aflf> rd to do. The appointments of C. F. Peterson to the position of Second Clerk. First Cireuit Conrt; and of Bert. Petersou to a position in the Custom House, perhaps eiplaiua the nature of the business, whieh necessitated tf<at eall of Dole, Waterbonse, Emmeluth, and oue other at a residence at Palama last week. l(amehamehagdiool CELEBRATES HER Founder’s - Day ox TUE8DAY, - DEG. 19, 1893 SPEECHE8 in HAWAIIAN by well known Hawaiians. A BATALMON DRILL bv the School Boys, Music by K nnehameha Cadet Baud. LUNCHES provided on tlie Grounds fur a!I, and tlie Boys will close tbe dav with SPORTS. The day is a Hawaiian one, and the Sch'>ol p.«rticularly desre Hawaiians to be present. The Boys will m.*ke you weleome Exercises from 10:30 A.M. to 4:30 p m. del’2 Iw PO* XD MASTER’S NOTIC'Xotice is herebv givea to a'l persous, that there i* ftt the Govenuueut Ponnd ftt Makiki, the foilowing 4 stnyed cows and 2 bot>es ; l Red oow, bmnd indeicrihahle on right hip. O •« •• •• •• •* •• •* »* •* ** ** “ •* •• 4« «• «• •* *• white sp t on the forehead. 5 l Mare, white spot on for>)hcad, br.»nd indeaorib«hle. 6 1 stvl!ion. whi>e spot •« forehend. brande<l on the left hip. Anv person or )»rsou» ow,i.ag tbes»e eo»- «nd lnjrs«es, »re r**«,ne8te ī t<> eo • e «nd t«Ve the mne on <>r he(oir 12 o'eloek noon of SAT' Ri AV, D v 23r>5, ISI«. JAMTS KŪKOKA, p.mr.J Mftster M kiki.D-c.li IS»3 Xo. 71-lw Ia. II. DEE, 1 OBBF.K OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST., Betwecn Fort and |>Betbel streets.