Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 72, 12 December 1893 — The Japanese Franehise. [ARTICLE]
The Japanese Franehise.
The Hoehi Shimhun and tho Yomiuri Shimbnn urge the Government not only to protect tho Japanese in theHawaiian ialamla, but to take advantage of tho present opportunity to raiso the prestige of this Erapire aml its snbjects there. The fonner papcr is very frank on this snbjoct. It states that*the present jnncture atibrtls the best opportnnity for tlemanding the frauchise for the Japanese residents. If uecessary, intiinidati<»n says our contoraporary, should be employed. The raetropolitiin papers in general seem to be inclined to believe that the Eoyalists will have the upper haml in tho coming struggle in Hawaii.— (Juj*m Mail.)