Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 72, 12 Kekemapa 1893 — THE KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS. [ARTICLE]
Fonnder’s Day To Be Celehrated On The l!Uh of Deeember. The Directors of the Kamehameha Schools have issned invitations to the puhlie interested in that great iustitution to be present at the celebration of the day sacred to those schools the # 19th of December. An advertisement elsewhere will show onr readers | that the principal of the school | intends to make it a holiday worthy of being remembered. The bo\*s will show themselves in a battalion drill as soldiers — may the Go<ls prevent them from being soldiers against their countrv and their ooontrvmen — sports will prove that tlie Hawaij ian of to-day is as athletic as»was | his ancestor under the great j conqneror. The luneh w:ll be an evidence that our generation has nevei weakened yet. bat ean eat. talk, and fight. (more especially the first.) The pnneipal of the scbools kindly extends a sj)ecial iuvitation to Hawaiians, and we hope that many will go there and leave with the tirm imprOssion that to day thc Kauiehameha Scuool fulfils tbo high and noble object for whieh it was created.