Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 72, 12 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Ko,val Hawaiinn Opera House ! % Tl\ursday •> Eve^ing Decemb«r 14. 18V»3. English, lrlsh and Scotch Concert Tbe press ami pahlio are unanimous in their vinlict that The MlSSi :s Julie £lbu Are the Greatest Vocalists whe have ever apj.»eared iu Houolul». THURSDAY ETeuiD£ r s PR06RAH1E —will iuclude—'Twas Wiihin a Mile Edinl*ym Toon. Mi mirel Boy. ihe Last Rose of Summer. Lhe Wore a Wrea(h o/Roses. I Dream't I Dwelt in Mnrbk Halh. The Harp That Cuce. Mj/ Dearest Heaii. In Cupuis Court. AXD DUKTS: Sainted M other, (Maritana) Aud Blumeuthal's Venetian Boat Song, aml other Gems. Box plau for Thursday aud Saturday now opeu. dt*12 Yokohama Bazaar, Corner Nuuauu & Hotel sts. Just Received a New Lot >f JAPANESE FABCY GOODS ron Xmas Presents SILK HANDKERCH1EFS, COTT0N CKAPE ot L> ff«. ent grrfdes Straw Tovs. d«9 Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY public For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowiedgn>entc to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Liee»ses, Honolnln, OaLo. Agent for the Haw’n l>lan.ls ui Pxtt A Scott’s Freigbt and Parcels Expre«?8. Agent for the Burlington KonW. M £state Brster ana Genersl knā . Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: Ko. 38 MERCHAN7 Street, Honoluln, H. I. “Bagley, *I understoo<l, vent to oae of those institutions wbere they core interaperance.” “Yes, and he eame oat cared.* #i What is be doing now'” “Oh, his relatives pot Lim ra tbe lunatic asylom. ”