Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 72, 12 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

POL/NL) MASTEK’S NOTICE. Xo»ice is h«eby gixen to »ll penoos, th*t lhere is at tbe GoTermuent Pound at Makiki. the foUowing 4 strayed cow» *nd 2 hotve* : l Eed eow. braud indesohb*bie on richt hin. o •« •« •• •« •* «« ,, r white spc’t on tbe foreh««d. 5 I M*re, white spot on forehe*d, br*nd mdescnb*hl«, 6 l St*Uioa. white spot *n fbrehe*d. br*nded {). on the left hip. Any penon or persons owning these eow? *nd horses, *re rei>ae*ted to eome »nd lake the s*me on or before 12 o eloek noon of SATURDAV. Dec. 23rd, 1*1». JAJ£ES KUKONA, Ponad U*ster. Makiki, Dec. 12, 1883. X 0 . 71-lw