Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 72, 12 Kekemapa 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

P. G. spies are now detailed to watch the premises of certain citizens and to make note. of not on!v those who enter, bnt a!s> the time cf da3 - as wei!. The the other evening m;.de ' loc.il mention of a “hanquet at;d musicale” a? having taken plaee at the residence of oi,e of the preseut military ofticials. It forgot to menti°n auything of an accident whieh was caused by the giving awav of a portion of the verandah railing. 'V e eall the attention of our readers to the programme of the Albu Concert, published in another eolumn, to be given on Thursday evening. It must be remembered that this is their Scotch, Englieh, and Iriah Concert. An exce!Ient programme hae been arranged for t!rs occ.i9i.iQ. Go and secure a if you iiave not a!ready done 80.