Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 72, 12 Kekemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
edding Bells tbis evening. Tbe Port Snrveyor is evidently a newspaper reporter in disgaise. 'A hat haa Dr. John F. E!y got U» do with the Haw.iiinn quest:on, any aow? ; The R. M. S. Mariposa for San Francisco may be louked for to-raorrow evening froni tbe Colonies. Mr. Lutber WiIco\ will act as district Judge for Honolula during tbe abseuce on Maui of Judge Robertson. Dr \Villiairs writing from Hilo under date of the 4th inst. reports tvo new, but mi!d eases of »carlalina 5n that town. \\ hat were Doie, H. \Vaterhouse, Emmelntb, and another gentleman doiiig at a cert,iiu bouse out Palama way one eventng last waek? Tbe steamer Hawaii did not take fbe water to Hamakua yesterday. Tbe steamer Lehua will probably take 2.000 gallons up, leaving tbis afternoon, Tbe Port Snrveyor “corralled” tbe only two papers whieh the eapl nn of tbe G C. Perkins bad on board vestenlav aml f»ave thom to tbe Star. Not mueli of a “scoop ? ' for tbe ’Tiser to brag about or the Star eitber for tbat matter. “Willia should have the credit of being an able diplomat, bnt he fonnd his match in President DoleI ( Dr. John F. Ely.) Fency a man in • his souhd senses penning tho?e lines He evidently thinke Dole is a diplomat; he m«8f be “off.” Get your shave at tbe sbop of the famous Gns. Manres at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Besides giving you the impression that | you are in dream-land when his his soft tonch sraoothes your beanled skin you will bear all the latest news politic lly, billiardly, socially, and otberwise. Tbe utter falsehood of the statement made by the P. C. Adv«riiser—the morning government organ- -tbe other day,” that the present government bas been law fully and legallv acknowledged by everj- otbergovernment baviug relations with it.” is clearlv shown nearlv evor\- day of the j weekNi.w that Minister of Foreign Affairs Dole is in search of infoiraation, we snggest that he address an olheial eommnnieation to the Representative of Japan. asking Lim if the newspaper rejx>rts announcing the arrival of the Japanese war vessel Naniwa at tbis port, are trne. When tbe treasnry has paid ont tbe money for the interest on tbe English loan, and tbe money dne the Risdon Iron Works, and the moaey due Hackfeld A Co, and the money dae Bishop A Co, —less tbe $10,000 **Samraie’ hookedon tooa Friday, how mneh will be left with whioh to paveven the October bills now being dnnued for leave alone the salariesf May it please His Excellency to answer? i