Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 December 1893 — AN AWFUL CURSE. [ARTICLE]
Briggs—You don’t mean to say tbat you are smokiug a cigar- 1 ette, do you? : Griggs—Certainly. Why not? 1 Briggs--Why not! If yon < bad any conception of the injmy < the}' are doing you, you wonld ( stop. Why not! Do you know • tbat tbese harbingers of deatb ; are killing more men tban all > the liquor in the Iand ? Are you aware, sir. tbat tbis trnmp eanl ' of tbe devil is eveu now s.ipping 1 awny tbe vitalitv of the cboseu | youtb of tbis great country? ' Look around yon and see tbe « hideous trail of tbis deadly ser- ‘ j>ent tbat is sncking away tbe j i Iife-blood of tbe uation. You ' 1 haven't got anotber one, bave i vou?