Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 December 1893 — An Advertiser Poet. [ARTICLE]

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An Advertiser Poet.

Tbe morning -organ plays a most soraniferons tune this morning, and tbere is absolutely notbing in it whioh cou!d tempt its straggling readers to lose tbeir time over. On tbe front page tbougb we notice a pieee of poetry (?) *‘written for tbe Advertiser” by some Maui fellow wbo signs bimself “1776.” The Advertiser poet is at liberty to plagiarize or steal, anytbing formerly written and foond in all standard works, but when he attempts sucb a frightful paro<ly on Tennyson as the oue appearing in ! tbis mqrning’s P. C. A.. we*wisb tbat be would sign his true uame or else use a fitting nom de plume. How would Dumh Ass do ?