Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 Kekemapa 1893 — The Offical Guillotine. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Offical Guillotine.

■ . — ■ — ■ ■ ■ The provisioual hangmen tuok a rest this morning. ami we have hearcl of no official scalp falling uucler the axe to-clay. The scalp-hunters will please take uotice of this neglect on the part of tbeir cabinet aml will stir ! their obedient servants, the miuisters. up so they ean fully realize | their duties towards the mc>b. We desire to state that no hlame ean possible be att eeheel to AIr. Georg«‘ Smithies for not pickiug up his hat anel walking out of his office His positiou Ls of the greatest responsibility auel importance an«l he owes to his bondsmen to' tnrn orer his office to his snccessor in perfect orcler with books and cash fully eheekeel anel approved. This is a work whieh will occupy some time anel it is possible tbat Mr. Smithies will have to be tolerated in the » sacred precincts of Mr. Damon s palaee for a few el ys more. His successor ilr. Georgo Aahley who has been around the hnanee department iu some non descript capacity will of course be able to carry on tbe business in a satisfactory manner. It will be interesting to see how mauy of the •■‘boys’ round the club and the league will receive offices. We guess the “family eompael’’ will be to tbe fore as usually.