Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 Kekemapa 1893 — The Sandwich Islands at the Fore Again. [ARTICLE]

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The Sandwich Islands at the Fore Again.

The only censure to whieh the administration at Wnshington is ameuahle in the matter of the Sandwich Islauds, is on account \of delay in performing its dutv as it is now doing. The whole business is in a nutshell. From pnrely raercenary motives, and in the interest of a handful of American adventures and speculators, who are mere squaters, the Harrisou administration withont serablance of cau.se or warrant, dethroned by naval force the rightful sovereigu, attemptea to steal the islands, and avowed a purpose to annex them, w th their mongrel aud debased p<qmlation, to the United States. As it was on the eve of consummation of the scheme, tbe Cleveland admini.str;tion eame into power and at onoe comme'ticed to undo the wicked work that had been done, and is now near to completion of the task. It has moved in accordance with the maxim, Iet justice be done though the heavens shonld fall. At any and everv cost the l nited States werebouml to restore the Sandwich Islauds government to the status it enjoyed bofore the piratic.il raid of raarines from a United States vessel of war was tnade npon it. an<l mainiain its independence against all comers. And the administration is simply discbarging this obligation upon them. —Rochesier Adveriiser.