Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
P. G. B<md at Kimna «qaare j tuis evening. A Cabinet Oonueil was Leid at eleven o’eloek tbis forenooa. « The PI:iuf-ts woo the game of l>ase ha'.l Ia-t S tturday. The #core stood S to 6. Rememher that tiie Aihu give anotf er Concert on Thur®dny eveuing. H.ivey« n grt your ticket? The Bktne. Georgē C. Ferkins ; arrived this morning 13 days from i San Francisco. No Iater news of any importance. It is noticed bv ihe Star. that J. S. Bishop fo!lows iu the tootsteps of his pulemal nareut, and is be coming untruthful. Owiug to the drought on the Hamaknu co.«st, the steamer Hawaii took about llO'.O gallons of water up there this aftcruoon. A P. G. spy and a P. G. soldier were seen to dadge mto the Central Union Church through one of the haek doors last Saturday eveuiog. What was that for? The Spanish Gymnasts gave a performance at the Opera House last Saturday evening. The show was not of the best, nor did a large audience have the pleasure of being “taken in.” Two boxes of eggs (?), or rather two egg boxes containing opium are said to have heen landtd from the Australia last Friday and brought up town iu a haek. Where was the Port Surveyor? To-morrow night Miss Carmelita ula will be married to Mr Porter Boyd the Americau ViceConsul General. The wedcling will take plaee in Central Union Church, uud later on a reception will be hekl at the residence of the graudmother of the bride Mrs. A. Coruwell.