Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 71, 11 Kekemapa 1893 — Want Thurston Punished. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Want Thurston Punished.

The Statc Ih‘partment Cliqne Eagor f«r Hi>» Si*alp. New York, November 22' —Tbe Sun's Washingtoa speciul says: The reply of Minister Thurston to some of the raore riagrant misstateraents contaiue<l in Blonnt’s report aml his bold aocasations of untruthfulness against the excoraraissioner have given great offense to certain otricials of the Adrainistration who are supposed to represent the views of the President and tbe Secretaty of State. T!ie indiguation of thoso gentleraen is so great that they do not hesitate to intiraate thut Mr. Thurston’spassports willbe issned by the President. He is accused of violating all known- rules of dip!oraatic etiquette, aml tbere is a loud demnud from ihe State Departraent clique for bis puuishment. It cannot be Iearned to-night what steps the Administration proposes to ttke, if any, to diseipline the plain spoken representative of the Provisional Governraent.