Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 70, 9 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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£nsuranrf |loticr$. X — —t Fire, Life & Marine ~*INSURANCE*~ Hartford Fre Insnrance Co., Asset3, 87.109.825.49 London <Sc Lancaslire Fire Ins. Co., Assots, $4. 317,052.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assets. $6,124,057.00 New York Life Ins. Co.. Assets, .8137.499,198.99 c. O. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian l>lands, Honolulu, H. I. NOTICE. Tbe undersigned has receivetl froiu tbe Listeru Stutos The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material eVer imported to tbe Islauds. It conolndes as follows. Clotb, 3 grades; Cues. asssorted; Cusbions. [by Block, patent]; Billiard Balls, Compositiou and Ivoiy; Pool, Tips, Cbalk; Pocket Castiugs with leatbers, and fnnge complete; Pockot nettings, fringe and leathers; Rubber covers; Court Plaster, green and black; New style cbalk holders; Triangles; Sbake balls and leatber bottles; Pool pins; Murkers, etc., etc. The above goods have been purcbased at reduced rates, and tbe uudersigned is now prepared to do any aud all kinds of BILLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates witb dispatch. Also new'and|second hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. BOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Hnuolulu (-[. E. 8( Bf^O. IMPOETEBS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT A KINO STS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED Bv everv Packet from the EasternStates and Europe. Fresh California l’roduce bv every steamer. All Orders f«ithfully attended to. and Goods delivered to anv part of tbe Citv—Free of Charge. Island Orders soiicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telf.phone No. 92. 6RAND OPENĪN6 OF THE Xew Fiirnitiire Store ! Robinson Biock. Hotei St, oppo. Bethel St. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY i CABINET MAKtNG ox ijand an exte»sive assortmext of AVicker AV ai*e, Antiaue Oak Bedroom Suits, Chitfonier?8, Sideboarcls, etc. Wardrobcs, Mattra8ses, Pillows, Etc., MADE TO ORDER. No Second Hand or Damaged Goods Kept on Hand. ORDWAY & PORTER, Robinson Bb ck, Hotel St., oppo. Betbel St.