Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 70, 9 December 1893 — THE HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS. [ARTICLE]
The report of Secretan- of State Gresbam upon the Hawaiian atiair whieh has been māde puhlie gives a surprise to even dose observers of current atfairs. It 1 was not generally supposed that I the representative of the Harrison adrainistration, Minister ! StHvens, had acted overtly and iu an unwarrantedly aggressive raanner and tbat the entire ensuing course of snzeranity on the part of this governraent was based upon wrong and deception. Yet such proves to be the case. j ilinister Stevens seems to be | more of a pliant tool in the intar- ! ests of a cliqae of alien scbemers i | than an impartial and eonaenative representative of this gov- i ernment—and to snch an eitent | that the t uited States became j coramitted temporarily toapo!icy ■ entirely atvariance with that to | whieh it had always previouslv adhered. Socretaiy Gresham's report is a j strong document and Iays bare i nndmchingly and in direct terms * the wrong whieh was perpetrated
in the nam« of tbis governmeot iu the Ianding of the troops to enforce the Queen s ab»iicatiou an»l the recognition of the Provi<ional Government. So piain and forcible are the secretarv s ; words that no one finds difli>'nltv j in reading bet»veen the line> tbe inieniion of the government j nndo that whieh has been vrning I ° ly done iu it> name. Snch a course prec!ncles all further hope of annesation;' it di>pels the idea of a proteotomte: ! and bv inference it sav> to a ! l • • otuer natious. “Haudsofl. Tht a\erage Araerican, the averago I <iemocrat especiallv, wi!l f*el h big throb of gratification over this. The United St.»tes do u< t wmt the S»»ndwich lsland> thcv do not want to »io injustice to auv coantn‘, no mattor how small ; W ith a gVeat opportunitv to be se!fish. this nation is going to bcraagnanimous. «nd at the samo time give all the world uotiev that no other nalion shall profit by the reunnciation. The people of t!iis countrv wi!E | cheerfullv sustain Presidont j Cleveland and.Secretan Cm sham in this conrse. Justice aud right tind swift approval from Ameriean al\vays, and in restoriug to the Sandwich Islands their owi. autonomy this conntrv is iloing but right and justice.— (A latUr Paper.) t 1 ' —— ■ i ■■