Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 70, 9 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Detective Dovle. Gymnasts at tbe Opera House | this evening. ' Band Concert at Thomas Square thisafternoon. Ba.se ball this afteruoon. The Myrtles and Planets. The Australiit sailed at noon to-day for San Fracisco. “The rascals most go' and “so must Ste!la Smith,” is a very eommou expression now-a-days. The P. G.’s do not expect any support from the’Japanese and Chinese, henee it is “not advisahle’' for the prosecuting officer to enter a Xolle Proseqvi in their cases. So Mr. A. Kauhi, will pr«bably be the governmeut’s ehoiee for district raagistrate at Ewa. Oh.—Tonsethe language of the Star, —“Birds of a feather, etc.” The raails reached the Australia on time to-day. Perhaps it is not generallv known that the failure of the mails to reach the Arawa on time last Monday cost tho Pnst Office two dollars f*or boat hire. A Japanesn woman was fined £100 for selling liquor without a license, and a Chinaman for unlawful possession of opium was fined S50 ; in the District Court yesterday. They are noi Poiiuguese, you see. Billy Cnnningham is giving the phesants a rest late!y, and has entered on a scientific, and botanical field. He gathers the finest kind of a plant called mint — growing ou his shooting right mauka of the Chinese Theater—and by adding a few ingredients, he produces a mint-julep whieh would warm the heart of any Kentuekion in existence. The sporting association please take noiiee—no license, but only a quarter uecessary. The Australia took away the following passengers: C A Hosier, Miss Beckwith, Miss E Knight, J D Tregloan, E K Cranshay, H C Shaw. Capt White and wiff. Master C W White, Master Mahlun, G W Brown, Miss N Burns, A Herbert, D K Abet l an i wife, Miss Emmes, W Steigerwa!d. W McDona!d and wile, C»pt J Metcalfe and wife, Miss C D mg ass, Col Z S Spaidmg. The 8tar says, that, “although it is obvious that some of the names, espeoiaily tbose of the judges. stand for true Anuexationists. Mr. Brown and Mr. Suhr of the Advisory Conncil are also goo<l friends of tbo eause: and no doubt ean attach to the Ioyalty of snch men as Dr. Andrews and C. R. Bishop.” Can any doubt may we ask be attacued to the loyalty of snch meu as Joha A. Ha>singer. Cnrtis P. laukea, W. G. Irwin, A. Herbert, and perhaps two or throe others? Tf one official is to be txtmpeUed to sign the roII, then oll must be compeUed to do the same. This is not a case of releasiug Portuguese and £ning Japanese and Chinese. 1