Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 70, 9 December 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We do not hold ourselves respousible for ihe opinion» or the utterauces of our correspondents.] Epitor Holomua: I see tbat thero is to be a shark-show at the Miiiwiuter Fair —tbat is if a shark oan be caught anJ proper!y trained. Au aquariam will be built of dimensious all the wuy from 14 square yards to 14 square miles. The shark will be uamed the 17th of Jauuary, and every dty betweeu 11 aud 12 o’eloek the famons showman “Tom Peppor" will enter the 8quarium, saddle nud bridle the shurk aiul ride him agiiust the best linle ever made trottiog, pacing, or swimming, ft>r the largest Himual of money any cyciorama stockholdcr ean be iniuwl to put up. Between 12 aud 10 o’eloek the Star editor will feed the shark on a “tired royaIi<t." Clerks from the Finance t tfice will be preferred. but if they rnn short. those from the Interior, Foreign and other othces wili *n»wer. When the suppiy is all used up crdiuarv P. G. grub will l>e sol»8titute<i, and the owner of the shark will be guarauleed against the use of i>.i*k>ned peas and tongues. Sundays and holidays the sbark will not be ridden nor fed, but will ob eerve tbe Sabbath together with the other missionari«s of some faxuily class and order. Fishekman.