Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 December 1893 — Do Justice. [ARTICLE]

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Do Justice.

No one who h:\> disp>ssion* ately consiiiemi tbo proposition to annex the Hawaiian ialamia to the Unit»?ii 8tates. upon the stato of fact> existinp there. will qnarlel with the p«>sition taken by Secretary (.lresham th »t tho provisional governnaent of Aineiiean citizen>. from whieh the ilonianii for annexation pn>ceeils. was the illegitimute ortspring of a revolotionary movetnent whieh overthrew the rvgnlarly constituted governm»-nt of Queen Lilinokalaiu bv force; tbat the ilemanii tloes uot proceeti from the {leopie 1 of the islamis or from any prop- | erly oonsiitutetl authority; that • tberefore the treaty for annesation should bo withJrawu anJ the native government restoreJ anJ recognizeJ. fhere woohl bo objections to the annevatiou of Hawaii worthy of serious eonsideration even if the proposition eame from a proper!y constitnteJ authoritv; but tbe qnestion of right mnst preceJe the question of expeJienc\. If the faots are as stated by 8ecretarv Gresham it wouU appear that a great wromx has alreaJv been Jone to P • this feeble state by j?ermitting the armeJ forc>‘s auJ authority of the UniteJ States to be invokeJ in support of a usurping government, anJ that the best atonemeut that ean now be made is to re-establish the inJepenJence of the islanJs auJ the chosen governraent of their people. — St. Paul Pioneer Prt