Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 December 1893 — The Old Fox. [ARTICLE]

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The Old Fox.

The people are singularly tranquil under all these newspaper iucitements to revolt against the President!9 Hawaiian decisions. The Araerican enemiee of Queen Liliuokalani employ great violence of language, but we suspect that the intemperance of their discourse must be in inverse ratio to their confidence in the justice of their cause and the ehanee of enlisting popular sentiirent in its support. Knowing that the American |>eopie reallv take n*-xt to no interest in the Hawaiian question they think to arouse them by loud hollering. S.»rne of the more r .bid and ehuekleheaded of tbe shcuters have begun to cry out for the impeaehment of the Pre»ident. It must make that o!d fox John L. Steveu» ahake wiih laugfater in his hoir lo bear of the bother that has been raisetl over his last \Vinter’s work at Honolulu.