Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 Kekemapa 1893 — The Presiden't Hawaiian Policy Upheld. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Presiden't Hawaiian Policy Upheld.

■V. Washington, Xov. 18.—Thr ! -■ sntle<i opponents of Pivs;deul C veland’# aeUoa in t te Hawaiian ia.broglio assert with vig r ;heir b< ief of a laek of prece«lei;ce for it. anl that the j>olicy of the adn.inistr tion is not that of fr:endliiu t.' vard the islands. simply Kciuse it leeliuee to s»nnex thera r exercise a prolectorate There are al the Department of State i fficial doe :merits containing the uttrranees o" all Presidents «ho have treated o. tbe 8ubjcct whieh is now cau*ing s eh a howl of indignation hv - <me p rsons. In cvery one of thtse sUtements the te!ior is the s.m-e, i that of non-annexaUon. In th r d- nuneiation of the recent act ol the administratiun, as they term it, sight is lost of the real stand the country has a!ways maiutained m its dealings with the Hawaiian Islands. The writiugs of these Pre8idents, and they are numerous, assert in unmistakable term» the disinclination of ihe countrv to c!oser union than that ofgiving the is!ands mora! support and assurances. While we have indirectly given Hawaii to understand that we did not care to annex it, we have with candor informed it that no other eountry ean. No stronger or raore forcible ind«>rsement of the poiicy of this administration ean be aske<l than citations of polieie» out!ined and maintained by previous admi;iistrations.—Baltimore Snn.