Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 December 1893 — In Regard to Secretary Gresham’s Report, Public Union Says Editorially. [ARTICLE]
In Regard to Secretary Gresham’s Report, Public Union Says Editorially.
In general. it ma}- be said that with a few exceptions the Republican press of the country condemns and denounces iu the strongest terms the attitude of the adrainistration toward Hawaii as thns far announced, while the Democratic and independent press is mueh divided, opinion rangiug from extreme opposition to hearty support for the Secretary’s position. Many of the Democratic and independent and some of tho Republican newspapers are thns far handling the topic with mneh c*ution beingapparently loath to take a decided stand for or agūnst the administration until its policy and the reasons therefor are more fully declared. Therefore, the report of Commis- ! sioner Blount. the replies of those : ; responsible for the course of the bist Administration towanl Hawaii, Prestdent Clevelands’s • statement of tbe case in his forth coming message to Con1 gress, and the developments of evsnts in Hawaii, are all factors that it is felt most enter into any complete and adeqnate eonsideration of the serions questions involved before a final jndgement ean be safely reacbed.