Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 Kekemapa 1893 — The Albu Concert. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Albu Concert.

— A large aud fuihionabie audienee greetetl tue Misses AIba last . evening. The yonng ladies won tiie approbation of a Honolaiu ' audience ss soon as tli-y appear- . ed on the st;tge. Their ladv like * and nnas>uming manner ciptivated not onh' the gentlemen ; bnt the ladies as well It wonhl be difficnlt for us to make any special refereuce to any one pieee on tbe programme, beeanse tbey were all so splendidly and charmingly rendered. The inton rtionof their voices and distinctness of prououciation \vas perfect. Those music loving people who were not there Iast evening missed a treat, and mnst go and hear them. A nnmber of seats are alreadv ! engiged for the concert to be given next Thursday evening, on whioh occasion will be n English. Irish and 8cotch bali lads. As duets tbey will sing Blumenthars “Veuetian Boat Song’ and “Sainted Mother” (Maritana).