Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 69, 8 Kekemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Bands do not play this eTōuing. The Ohampion retorned to the harbor this forenoon. The St?ir had a kahuna fako in last evening's issue. The ‘Tiser editor says that Mr. Blount is a “shvster.” Spauish gynmasts at the Opera Houso to-morrow evening. The Anstralia leaves to-morrow at noou, for San Francisco. The combined Concert annonnced for this evening, is postponed. The Star still continnes its abuse against United States Con. sul-General Mills. It would perhaps l>e advisable for those concerned. to request the Star man to dis-continue its referencesto'•paramours,” “hummers. aud “bribe-takers.” It would be exceedingly uupleasant and perhaps veiy embaiTassing to some of the present goverament offioials and members of the Annexation Club, to have not only their behaviour exposed, but tbat of their wives and daughters.

Say ‘Ti.ser e<litor, after the restoration of the Qaeen, will von eall God Almighty — a "shyster.” too? — If you don t carry a gan and bec *me a revoIutionist. yoa eannot expect īo receive anv ‘fgovernment pap.” That ‘ the emineut witness was intimatelv acquainted with the arfair,’' we do not Joabt. Mr. Biount probablv thoaght the gentleman uas so int < maiel>j eonneeullh it, as to be unable to make an anbiased statement. C nnot the Tiser imheeile understand, that the verv reason why sach prominent persons as P. C. Jones aml the Chief Jus•iee were not questioned as they tl,nught they should have been, \vas because “nothing but the truth v:aa wanted?” A P. G. soldier is allowed many privileges, because he is a P. G. supporter: oh yes, he is eveu ailowed the privilege of abusing Lis wife. The wife has no redress. We advise evervone who doesn’t like his wife, to beeome a P. G. soldier. In a few days, President Clevelaml aud 8ecretarv Gresham will be iu receipt of snfficient evidence proving to them the true ekaniet*r (bv their nwn evidence) of the so called Araericans, who wish to rule and bdix Hawaii. Mr. Blount knev: “what they were” betore he Ieft Honolulu. Vice-President Hatch alsosaid, that she —speakiug of the Queen —says, “that force will be used if necessary to put her back on tho throne.” Did sbo tell you that Hatch? Don’t you ihink tbat you had bettei tell tho truth while you are at it? If it is trr.e tbat tbe Queeu is now under the protection of the Pro.visional Governmeut by hor own request; why is it, then, that the Executive were not men enongh to give ber protection, withont her asking for it? TVe are under the impression, that the “londly talked of protection” has been accorded to her through some other ehanuel. Vice-President of the provisional Governraent and President of the Anuexation Club Hatch, in his scandalous remarks of yesterday, roferred to the Queen, “as that woman aoross the street.” Coming from a man who has not only been too willing to accept personallv her hospitalitv, but on several occasions has asked to have friends similar enter taiued. shows wbat, iu gratitude may be expected from those who nhouhl know l>etter. He is not the only j>erson on the Government roster who sbows the same gratitude (?) for such favors extended to them. The following passengers are booked at the office of the Agents to go forward to-morrow on the steamer Aostralia: Commander aml Mrs W H Whiting. C A Hosier, Masters E Mahlmn G W Browu ; aml C W White, Miss N Burras, Miss Beckwith, Miss E Knight. D K Abeel and wife, A Herbert. J D Tregloan, E H Cranshoy. H E Sbaw, Col Z S Spalding, W Steigerwald, Miss Emmes, Wm McDonald, Capt Metcalfe and wife, Mrs C Donglas.