Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 Kekemapa 1893 — AN AMERICAN MAFIA. [ARTICLE]
“The Qneen never will be restored to the tlirone. for she will be shot withiu “24 honrs, and ever\* man who takes office nnder her will be shot also —we have meu secretlv sworn to do it Snch was the reraark made to tlie writer by a braiuless young sprig of the “citizen> reserve. such is the tenor of uumerous open threats of the ewivi'Ht eompoeing the annexatiou clnb. the , citizens reserve and the Araericau Ieaguo organizations tbat pretending to be patriotically Araerican are in fact veritable nests of socialism. fenianism and mnne. To their shanie be it said tliat these are organized under men caliii;g t!ieiaselves Americaus, men >vho heretofore have beeu regarded as respectable and intelligeut citizens: Hatch, Castle, Wilder, Jones. Smith, MeGrew, Emerson, and so on. whose names will pass into history as knavish pirates in a plot to steal a nation and eompel Ameiiea to receive tbe stolen good-. A recent article in the mua warned that a wave of insanity had strnck Honolulu in aeeonlanee with a well known theory of cvcles. The malady appeai-s to be growing worse, for certaiu it is, tbat all tbe men and womeu concerued in tho overthrow of the Queeu, the terrorism aml misgovernment of a P. G. military despotism, and the present display of hestilities again-t tlie Uuited States, all act like people deraented. Dole, Damon, Smith, Thurston, are men who have acted fiitlilessly to the conntry that gave them birth and nnder whose tl:ig aud sky they have prospered. Theie is no excuse in the past, none in the present, and there will be none in history fnr ibe gr.tve error whieh tliese men bave committed. A greater outrage and a greater blunder against a people has never been committe«l iu modern times to the filibustering plot of U. S. Miuister Stevens and his cabal of renegade Hawaiian citizens. The mafia applaud and support, for they enjoy the plunderth?y are receiving and the prospect of demandiug more, but the Hawaiian nation cries ont in indignation and shame. We will do Messrs. Dole and D.imon the justice to believe that they had delude«l themselves with the idea that they were acting for the best interests of Hawaii nei; their foresight was defieient. Thev had not figured ont the disadvantages of anaexation to Hawaii whieh is now so clear to most of our merehants and sug ir planters. They had not realized that a republic was almost impossible aml utterly undesirable. They «iid not know that a milit iry despotisro wouKl be orfensive to ; the iuteiiigonce of ibe couutry and wonlil in time bankrupt the finances. They failed to realize that a revolution of a small cabal by nsing the forces of a foreigu power. eookl hive no standing in iuternational conntries. that snch a revolution unsupported and de-
aonnced by a large majority of the people, eooKi on!y hold itself in plaee by a mercenary milit ry power. They forgot history whieh has t iught ns abont Pr «etorian Guards and Janizaries an«l the dictatorial dancers of a military rule upon whieh a civil government depends. They never dreamed that their wild and untenable schemes wonKI evoke a grim monster iu the -hape of alien clubs. reserve- aml leagues, nnder whieh appareutly passive titles, there lurked a cr;«zy. morbi«I h.«nkering for all tbe benefices of goverument; that tliese ieagues, etc., upon whieh the govormuent depen«ls for exi-t nce wouUI soon Ueeome masters of i the situation, aud eompel their leaders to continne the pirate’s ; dance. No. Dole and Damou blundered, and we have a sufficiently sneaking respect for them yet to beliove that they realize their error, and of their own accord wouUl gracefully subrait t«> the inevitable hand of justice whieh thc gcnius and honor of America will soon let fall ou Hawaii. Pot they are the slaves of the grim raafia leagues whieh they themselves evoked. and thus they «lare not. Tbere is no doubt that there does exist a set of murderous ruffians among these several pseudo-American organizutions who aro eucourage«l by their more «Iiscreet associates aml leaders, and who constitute au actual Americau mnfia with villainous plots an«l «lesigns. As long as the P. G. coiitinues, they have a soft snap, therefore, their defiant attitude against the United States when they begin to realize that their days of pirated billets soft snaps and revelry with Hawaiian taxes is soon to eml. īt is but fair to say, however. that these organizations are not gennine Ameiiean, but are eompose«I mainly of Portuguese, Germaus and the riti' raff of all nations. There aro sorae good Araericans amoug them who ought to know better, and many bad Araericans. But all honest an«I decent Americans stan«l asi«le with the Hawaiiansand the royalists aml look in with silent contempt aml disgast at tbe nasty mess of atfairs whieh the P. G. gang have evolved iu this eonntry, and anxious)y await the day when Unele Sam shall do his duty by restoring legitiraate government, peaee and or«Ier.