Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jtusuraucr itlotirrs. INSURA]>T CE FIRE & MARINE Thk Um>kksk;xki) is authorized to take Fire and 'ī.uine Kisks on I Uiil(liugs, Mei*cliandise. IIulls, Carsioes. I'i-eiLrlits aud Commissions, . ; (’urRiit Kates in the following Companies, viz; ]{oyul Iusuran.ce Co- - - Liverpool ‘lUinuee Assurunce Fire Marine, - Lonāon W'ilhelma of Aīadjeburg Gcnl. Ins. Co. <„n JnsuranceCo., - - San Francisco .1. S. WAI.KEK, \<rent tor Hawaiian Tslands r Eesidence : Mntual 410. P.O. B .x 117. Teeekhones: Bell 3ōl _ Mr.tn»l 417. E. B. THOMAS, . n Contractor $ Builder Estim»teas Oiven ou A.11 Kiuds OF rno\ n \r<\Anr\’ nn ’llllll, lll!l\.« All Kinds-of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEPS FOR 8ALE : Brick, 1 ime. Cenieut. Iron Stone Pipe aiul Fittings, OM New C rrngated Iron. Minton Tiles. Quarrv Ti:es, assorted sizos and oolors; C'lif.'inia and Monterey Sand, Grauite Cnrl>ing and Blocks. etc., etc. Corner King <f\ Smith Sts. OFFICE <5\ YARD: Office Hours. 8to 12 M., f 1to4P. M. A YAST PROJEOT C0!iSWHT LINE 0F SCBŪONERS—Ample OMSrtffllty for ill! Owing to our constantly inereasing busiTioss and the -reat deniand of an apprecia*ting community, we have eonuded t» ofler an opportnnity to all parties having capital. Our LINE of SCHOONEES*may be seen gliding over the !JAU fi!l’ 1 to thoir atmost carr} ing capacity with olear, •ool aml invigorating Fred £p k .? ur9 1 LAGEE BEER At the '•Ancbor Saloon.’’ To ioconiniodate our Viist Fleet of Schooners, we have built h fi:io large Bofrigerator rogardless of oost. “^-rLCiiox,” the oulv plaee \vhere a Cool Glass of Frederioksburg I., ron diaught oan be had in Hoaolulu. Step forward gēutlemen, NOW StheTime. ocl4 3m