Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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POUNI) MASTKH*s NOTICE. N'otice is bereby given to all th;.t tbere is ut the Gorerument P>>nud nt M«kiki, a stray horse: 1 re<i Lorse with white spot ou ihe forehead au.l lmck, hlaek legs, brand in.iescrii«ihle. Any penou or person» ov»ning this horse, are reqnested to eome and take th< aame on or before l‘J o’eloek noon..f SAH'KDAV. December il, 1893, JAMES Kl'KONA. Ponn.i Ma>ter. Makiki, Dec. 7, ! ■>93. Christmas Presents fhe ivnclersigne<l beg leave to eall the »ttention to a Iarpe an sortment of tasteful au.l elepant Jewelrv, saitable for Cbiistmas Preseuts. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in clitferent sizes. TIawaiian Je\velry, , a specialty. If yoa want to bny an elegant anel at the same time an inexpensive Christma.s Present. eall aroancl anel inspect my stock. THOS. LINDSAY, Mclnerny Ulo. k, Fort St, Uonuinia decl tl KW0NG SING CH0NG £ C0. Coxxtxa.otox c2o EuLild.ex T*ainting, <fee. We a!so keep on han l Bedstēads, Mattrasses. Tā3LēS, Boo<cases. MiRR0RS, Etc,, AT THE LOWEST tiARKET PRlCES No. 216 King st., Honoiula dc-4 3m