Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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iUST ARRIVED, w w Ba lj Carriages 0F ALL STYLES, dai , pel$, fyigp, IX THE LATEST PATTERX3. "HOUSEHOLD fl Se\vino' Machines Haxd Sewin(1 MAcmxrs f L ff All With the Litt st Iiuprovemcntsyf J PAHLOU Orsrans, Guitars, And OtherMnsic»I I&strnmeuts. \Vines, Liquors, Becr alwats ox haxd, axd FOR 3ALE BY Eū. nOFFSCHUEG£R & C0. King St.. oppo. Castlc A Cooke’s. J\IationaI lEon woi^ Qceex Srr:EET, Bet\voen Aiakea A Hiohanl Sts. THE DX T nERSIGXED are pnpured to make i'U kin<ls of Iren BrHss, Bronze, Zinc, Tm ami Ltud AIno a Getieral Repnir Shop for Steam Engines, Rice MiIIk, Corn Milla, \Vater Wheels, Wiml MiU«, etr. Maehinea for the i’leaninp of Coffee, Cast «r Oils, Beans, Raruie, Sisul, Pineapple Leaves A other Eihmna l’lanla, Anil Paj*r Stock. AUo Machines for Fxtracting Stareh from the Manioe, Am ( v Root, etc. [~f r ‘ All Oruers proniptly alleniii ! to. WHITE. RITMAN CO. Long- Erancli BATHING Establishment. This First-cltiss Batbing Iiesort has been enlarged aml is now open to the pnhlie. It is the best plaee on the islamls to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Specia 1 aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half honrand on Satnrdavs aml Sundays eveiy fifteen rninut€?s. C. J. SH £RWOOD Proprietor. 1 Ccach. tc I WAIKIKI PARX | Sans 1Diazrtond plead TIME TABLE. Fares to Rifle Hanae, 5 ct><; W<ukiki, 10 } cts; Sar.s Sonci »nd Ehani >od He»d, 15 | ete; Round trip. 25 et»; Children ander 12 yca*s h»If prioe. ao27 tf