Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 Kekemapa 1893 — AMERICAN PRESS OPINION. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The pnbIicTtion of SecretmGresham s letter creatdi anotber wave of excitement tliroopbout the newsp»per press of America. We have received many hum1reds of clippings and note tbat tbe pa{>ers are about evenly divided j iu opinion, some strong Republi- • ean papers snpporting Clevelaui. Among the leading papers wbich have strong and stirring articles denonuciug tbe outrage of Stevens and bis marplots iu Ha- i waii, are the followins. —New York Herald, Times. Nntion. Post, News aud Daily Mercury, —Boston Herald and Trauscript —Cbieago Herald, Despatch, Eve. Journal, Times, —Pldladelphia Call,Times, Ht-rald. —Bal* timore Sun and N'ews—Miueapolis Tirnes and Jonrnal— Brookhu Eig’e— Maeou ((īa ; Telegrapb—Indiunapolis Senti- : nel and News—Mohile (Alai Register—Charleslown (S. C.) News and Courier—Omaha Bee - Pittsbnrg Despatch, Leader— Salt Lake City Herald—Kausas City Times —Newport R. I. News —Newark N. J. Times—Detroit Free Press. it is further to bo noted also that the papers denouncing the Clevelaud policy base this ‘wow’ npon the statements of Steveus and Tuurston, whieh are now proved lies.