Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 68, 7 December 1893 — How Annexationists Start Rumors. [ARTICLE]

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How Annexationists Start Rumors.

One of the raost stoj>id rumors ‘ ; of the day” was the one hasbed up and circulated this moruing by the Star and anuexation gangs. It was in ofiect. tbat Hei Majesty Queen Liliuokalani was on board of the Ohampion outside of the harhor. That an enterprising P. G. spy had been watching tbe war vessel from the side of Punehhowl hill tbrongh a sj)v glass. tbat he saw the vessol slow down off Waikiki close iu shore. and also saw a whale boat with the Queen iu it poll out from Her seaside residonce to the shij>. The spy hurried from his lookoul station and reported the fact to the government.