Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 67, 6 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Chrisimas Presenis The nndersignetl beg leave to eall the attention to a iarge fiasortment of tastefu! an l elcgant Jewelrv, snitable for Chii-it<n;:3 Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in ditferent siz»*s. i-Iawapian Jewelry, a specialty. If you want to bny au elegant and «t the samo tirne an in» sj»ensive Christmas Present. c.»il aronnd and inspect mv stock THOS LINI)SAV. Mclnerny IHoek, Fort »t. Houulala decl tf ■ *■ _ KW0RG SU!G CH0NG L C0. CcrLtxa.ctcx dc !B*uLild.sx «fco. We also keep on bnnd Bēdsteaos. Mattrasses. Tablēs. Bookcases, Mirrors Etc„ AT THE LOWĒST HARKET PRJC£S No. 216 Kiug st., Honolaia de4 3i|