Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 67, 6 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

jlnsurancr 4lotirts. I]VSIJR.A]VCE FIRE & MARINE Thk Undkrsh»ned is authorized to take Fire and 3Iarine Kisks on # ] 5uil<liuirs, Mercliaudise* Mulls, Canroes, Fi*eiorlits aud Commissions, *t Current in the fo!lowing Companies, viz; lioijnl lnsurance Co • - - Liverpool ALlianee . Issurance Fire $ Marine, - Lonāon W'ilheLma of Madgeburg Gen’l. Ins. Co. Snn Insuranee Co., - - San Francisco TELErHONES: iiell 351 _ Mutual 417. .1. S. WALKEK, Ajrent for Hawaiian Islands Residence : Mntual 410. P.O. B 117. E. B.THOMAS, Contractor d Builder Esstimatet>: Cwiven on A.11 3vincls OF BRK% I1KI\ W i WOOŌEN 61ILD1NGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Buiiding Trade Attended to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Cemeut. Inm Stune Pipe and Fittings, OM iV New Corrngateid Iron, Minton Tiles, Quarrv Ti!es, assorted sizcs and eolors; Ctlifoinia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blooks, ete., etc. C Corner King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD: Office Hours. 8to 12 M., ( 1to4P. M. ATAST PROJECT €0NSTAST LINE 0F SGH00NERS—Ample OPMrtmitJ ftr ALLI Owing to onr constantIv iucreasing business aud tbe great domand of an appreciatiug coramunity, we have eonv 1 oded t<» t»Her nn «»piH>rtnnity to «ll parties having capital. Our LINE of SCnOONF.RS may be seen gliding over the BAR fi!led tl»eir utiuost carryiug capacity with clear, eool aiul invigomting f "“p« ur9 ! LAŌEE EEEE, Atthe “Anclior Saloon.” To «ccomniodate our \ ast Fleet of Schooners, we have hnill a fine b»rge Refrigerator reganliess of ooat. Tia.e “Anelioi," Is the only piaee wbere a Cool GIass of Frederictsburg Beer on <liaught eau be bad in Houolulu. Step forward geutlemen. NQM h ihe Tiiue. f ocl4 3m