Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 Kekemapa 1893 — THE CONSPIRATORS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


There is 110 doubt th:it Mr. Blount \vus very mueh intlueuced iu makiug his report by some things that happeued in Washington sorae time before the rcvolution in the islands took plaee. It is known here tbat several months before, certain men who afterwards took part in the revolation and hehl places under the provisioual government visited Washington and talked with President Hanisou, Secretary Blaine and raembers of the coramittees on foreign aflairs in botb houses of Congress as to what wou!d be the conrse of the Uuited States in the event of a successful revolntion taking plaee and tbe islands being otfered to the United States. Mr. Bloant was at that timechairman of the coramittee on foreign relations iu the House of Repre sentatives. and he was consalted by these gentletuen. Whetber or not they went so far as to propose that the United States sbouid be a party to the proposed uprising. and‘ whether the President eonseuted and thus beearae a party to tbe cpospiracy, is not ; knowr. to the pnhlie generally, i but Mr. Blount, on accouut of tho position he then occapied, may know.” —Ballimorr Sun.