Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 Kekemapa 1893 — Hawaii and Texas. [ARTICLE]
Hawaii and Texas.
The esteemed Tribxme thinks th »t bēcausethe United Stales stole ' T Xiis, s!aughtered thousands of i M xicans in a war o/ coii«juest and ' fi> ished ud 5ts bloodv freebootirig w .en e by robbing the conquered ; nf all thtir pēssessions nortb of the ' H o Grande. therefure it should I n w steal Hawaii. T.iis is one w \y of arguing from precedent, but • f rtuuate!y for the f.»me of tbis i e *tiutry that precedent stands iso- ■ Dted and alone and is utterly eonj «lemned by the practice of onr j G vernment on all otber occasinu8 well as by our historianr.—CMi cnzo Uounial.