Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 Kekemapa 1893 — Representative Dockery's Views. [ARTICLE]
Representative Dockery's Views.
‘'Representative Dockerv, of Missouri, in talking of the m-it-ter to-dav. presented an ielea that seems to bave beeu Iost sigh£, of by tbe men who have criticised tbe administration for baving ! anything to do witb restoring a 1 monarcby nnder any circnm- j stances. Mr. Dockery said; “I don’t want to bave anvthing to say as to tbe propriety of the action of the,adm)n;stration unti! ; I know all tbe facts upon wijich it was based. There is one thing bowever, tbat oughtnotto be lost sigbt of, tbat the forra of govern- j menl involved bas notbing what 1 | ever t«> do with the jnstice of the j c»se. There is a good deal of sentimental oppositiou to the , United Sb»tes beiug a party to tbē restoration of a monarcbv, no i matter wbetber it was previonslv i overtlirown by the agents of this government or uot. Tnis, how , ever, bus nothing to do with the ‘ case. lt is none of our bosiuess I , what form of government anv in- j j dependent conntry se‘s np. lt is ; | a matter with whieh the people : i of that conotry are alone eon cerned. Now, snppose that in a conntry with a republican form of government a minister of the ! United States, with the help of • | the armed forces of this governj ment. sbonM orertarn the repubi lie and set up a monarchv, woold *
n - the people of the l*nited St ,te.s insist that the work should Ibe n:.done and the republic shoold be restored’ There is no d:rfereace intheprinciple inrōlved in this case. if it is trne that the i oi';;cia!s of the Un'ted States Jid m>»rtbrow the eiisting govern’ II;- at or assist in its overthrow. T e f> rm of that govemmeut has nothirg whatever to do with the case. — Balti>uorr Suu.