Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.WA.ii HOLO^UA IS PrBLI8HED JEvery Afteraoon EXCEI>T 8UXDAI BT THE Holomua Pub!ishing Co. At King St. (Thomas block), Honoluln, H. I. SUBSC2IPTI0N, per Uonih, 50 Cts. The paper is delivered br Carrier» in «he town aud Oopies for Sale at the N’ews Dealers and at the 0®ce of puhlioalion. ABRAHAM Fer\AHDEZ, - Manager EOMii'.O NORRIE. - - Edltor XOTICE. All Business Comniut’ications shonld lie addresse<l to Abraham Fernandez, Honolulu, H. I. C\>TTespondence and Coiumunioations for pnblication shonld be uddressed to the Editor llawaii Holomna. No noiioe will be paid to any anonymous communications. Bu$inc$$ (Card$ A. T. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioe: 113 Kaahnmanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islauds. CHAIILES CKEIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113JKaabumann Street, Honoluln Hawaiiau Islands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 311 Merchaut Street, Houolulu, Mutual īelephono 41ō. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offioe. Ohi Capitol Bnildlng, (Honoliiln Hale), adj«ining l’ost Office, Honolnlu. J. M. DAVJDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 306 Merchant St., Olliee (Mutual) Tel. l(Jj). Resideuce 67. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumanu St.. Houolnla. Hawaiian I9tands. S. K. KA -NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oftice: Corner Kin»? and Bethel streets, up-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOENKY AT LAW, OHL o, coruer Kiag A Bethel Sts, F. H. REDWARD, CONTRACTOK Iil1LDER. No. 506 King Street. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islauds. LE1VIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and Oeneml Anctioneer. Corner Fort and Quecn Streets Honelulu Personal attenti<m giveui to Sales of Furailnre, Kenl £state, Stock aud Geaeral Merchandise. Mutmd UeUphoue 23S.