Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — Great Britain Will Not Interfere. [ARTICLE]
Great Britain Will Not Interfere.
There were some statesmen to-day who \vere vigorons!y declaiming tfaat the Uuiteu States had been lioodwiuked and was playing into the hands of Great Britaiu. The young Princess, now in England and who was iu this country last spring, was sure to bo the qoeeu under Englaud's assistance in time. Her »scend- , eacy to tlie throne, they assort»d, i wouhl give pmi.iminanee in eommeieial rel.itions aud would resuit in the Uni;ed States being practically barre»l ont. There was not an iota ol founda- | tioii for these stateuients. In ihe first instance Great Britain knew of wbat action tbe United States Government contempiated with reference to Hawaii, and through Sir Julian Paunce£ote assnred Secretaiy Gre>bam that E igland l
wouki not interfere with »ny move the United State> migbt make. No one conneeted with the I. nite<l S,ates Govemment has ever beheved that tbe rest.>ratiou of the Queen ;«n.l tae possibility of tlie your." Priuces,sncceeding her won!d atfoet tfae relations betvveen the is!.imls aad -the Unite«l St »tes, or ti.at Great Brit iin wooM bo favored oee way orauoti er. A vaLu:ible report on t>ie relutions «f the United >tat > with Hawaii. prer.;)red by tiio Siate Department and transmitted to t’ongross, shows that froin an early date tbe policy of the Unit ed >■ itos has been e >n-t:intlv aad c. asistently declared ag:iinst am : reign aggrfission iniinieulile t‘> ’u •' necessar.lv paramoaut rigiits :»nd !!itert-sts of t >e Amer ■ iean people there.— li'illnūoi' 1 Bnn.