Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — Honors to Captain H. Togo and the Officers of the Haniwa. [ARTICLE]

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Honors to Captain H. Togo and the Officers of the Haniwa.

Tbe prominent Japaneso residents of this city, entertain the Japanese naval otlicers at the Hawaiian Hot*d this evening. The musical jirogramine as below, will be rendered by tlie Hawaiian 2sational Band: 1. Mai-eh—“l)istaut Gre€ tin"” Doriug ■J. Overtnre—“Cosmoj.litan” (aeu-1 Prendiville 3. Dnet—*TDne Fosearis” (nevr) Verdi 4. Selec.ion—“Trovadon; " (nev) Verdi So.nos. 5 Comet Solo—“Prettr Jane” (uew) • Hanmanu t>. “E ewūian” (new). Lihomio .. —“La P.iloma” Yradier 5. M.ireh—“K.iinlaui'’ Lihomio “Jap«ne-o Anthem.” “Hawaii Ponoi.”