Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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'J'he Huwaiiau National Baml at the Hotel thisevening. Isaac Ciickett arrested for having opimn in possession was fiued $250. He is uot a Portugoese. J. E. Gomes, arrested for having opium in possession, is not prosecuted. He is a Portuguese. The l»aud of the U. S. F. S. Piiil.Mlelphia give a coucert at tle Hawaiian Hotel vesterdav afternoon. Tho annexation and the P. G. cliqoes, represented by the Sb.r aud ’Ttser, are uow lond in their denunciations and abuse of Presideut Cleveland and his Kepreseutative at Hawaii. C«ptaiu J. Stott \vas a passenger ou the Anwn to Victoria yesterd«y. It is probable that he will return and continoe iu eoinmaud of the steamer Miowen». The Star s dirty inuneudo to the contraiy. , Tailor Ammel of Columbns. O., writes to tailor Martin of HonoInlu. and says ‘'No, Sir. I ani no Ko alist.” Presuming that tailor Aumiel has furnishetl the P. G.’s with all their nuiforms and Bailitan- accputrements and looking £or fnriher orders. he woukl be a fool to acknowledge that ho was a Royalist. Ia fact, no one here cares, \vbether he is or noL

Mis-s Afoog nnd Comraaoder V» hit.ng U. S. N. will be unite<l in marriage this evening. The ceremcny will be at the Ceutral Union Churek. A reception will be held i.t the reside!3ce of the br;de‘s uiotiier !ater. Abont two weeks«go. a Chinese • firm received a draft of 53<X) on I tiie Piuanee Dep«rtraent. Up to yesterday, althongh. after several vis»t to tl)at Departraent. tbey h»re not been to c;*l!ect the moiicy. Snch i< the re]><«rt. A | str»iiga proceeding witli such a | hn : :> b>tlance in the trea.sury. P. G. prowlers now dress in Holotns. Oae of thera hanh J np fcis skirts the other evening to ; rou nj’ one . f tUe street< Ieading | olf lving strei-t, to git away frum an inquisitive spectator. He gavo himse!f dead away. A gentlea;an ;it the Hotel, was reading the Holoxca the other day, when Dr. i'ni/orm accosted hira by sayiug, that he was uot reading the pvoper paper, “that paper is ou the wrong side, ; ' says the D >ctor. The Doetor was very »>olitelv informed thut it “was noue of Lis bnsiness.” Served him right. The latest ‘fad in stationery now is, tli!it of appropriating what does ubt belong to you. Several school cuildren—children of pareuts who bolong to the P. G. gang are t.iking stationery pajier and envelopes to school that are imj*re.ssed with the Royal coat-of-arms, and the Iate Kiug’s private raonogram. Some stvle.