Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — THE "HERALD" AHEAD. [ARTICLE]
Affairs Righted in Hawaii. President Cleveland is to with* tlraw from Hawaii’a provisional government the support or recognition incontinently aml (oo!ishly extended to it by President Hirrison's 3Iiuister Stevens. This will leave the majority of the popuhdion in those islands free to repndiate the work of a few sngar planter conspirators. . At no tiiqe has there been any evideuce or even indication tbat the move into whieh Minister Steven- so nnadvisedly pnt his dipIom<iiic foot had any basis in tho will or interests of the bnlk * of the inhabitants of tho Sandwieh Islands. The final rectifieation of an egregious blonder on the part of the representative of the United States Government moy be set down as yet anothor victorv for our coniemppraiy, the Herald. At one tiine, it will be reraeraben!<l. the entire Jiugo press of this conutry were ready to let Presideut Harrison lead it iuto a war to uphohl Mmister Steven» | in Im false position. The Herald, by its snperior statesmanship in Vounseling ! moderation, and by its enterprise as a news}>aper in throwing light upon the sitnation, saved this n*tion £rom that false step and maile the task of retractin" it possib , e — y. YfTtlegram.