Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — To Rev. S.E. Bishop, the Star Man, and the Tiser. [ARTICLE]
To Rev. S.E. Bishop, the Star Man, and the Tiser.
The followiiig synoj>sis o£ ser* mons on '‘ Seusiition&l Journalism” are respectfolly dedicated. It is imj>ossible to re{»ort all the stirring words that plead for tte paritv of the press. bnt the followiug will give an intel!igent ' idea of tlie treud of thonght. “The editors will Ik* qnick to j conform to the demumls of the i people.”—Robert F. Coyle. First Presbvterian. Oukhuul. '.‘They (the news;»,u>ers'i want I raore honorand less hlaekmail.’ —Thoa»as Filben, M. E. Church San Fr-*nc sco. “I plead for the eutrance of a j higher prinoiple.”—C. O. Brown. ! First Congregationai Chorob, San Fr;»n. iseo. ‘ I wiil not lake pupers whieh empty the sewuge of the city upon niy bre»kfast t;»ble.“—E. R, Dille, M. E. Church, Sau Erancisco. “Tbe w»y to effeet n reform in the newspaper» is to begin with ourselves. Begin this instant. Resolve uever to repeat au nncharitable story although it be true. —M. H. Morel.»nd, St. Luke’s £piscopal. ‘ lt won!d be possible to print a elean paper and yet give all uews esseutial for ihe knowledge or gootl <>f mankind.”- I. M Fergusson, First Christian Church.