Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 66, 5 December 1893 — Where Were They Then! [ARTICLE]

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Where Were They Then?

Would it not be well for the superheated jingoists to await information as to the exact nature of President Cleveland's instructions to the Minister Willis before proposing impeachment? The Tribune asks: "Can it be possible that the Administration has dared to menace the Hawaiian Government without first taking advice of Congress and the people--without even declaring its purpose? The obvious reply to this partisan/frothing is that President Harrison's Minister not only menaced but actually conspired to overturn and did aid and abet the overthrow of the Hawaiian Government "without first taking advice of Congress and the people." He even went so far as to establish a protectorate in the name of the United States and hoisted its flag over the Hawaiian Government buildings without authority of Congress or instructions from the President. Where were the Tribune's hysterics then?--N.Y. World.