Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

£nsuraurc Fire, Life dē Marinc Hartford Fire Insnrance Co., * Assets $7,109,825.49 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, $4,317.052.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assets, $6,124.051 .00 New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BER GER, General Agent for Hawaiiau lslands, Honolulu. H. I. NOTlCE. TLe unJersigned has receiveJ from the E ist rn St.it.. - The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Islamls. Itconclr.des as iullou'Cloth, 3 grades; Cues. asssqrted; Cnshions. [by I»lock. patent]; Billi;ml Bulls, Composition aiul Ivoiy; Pool, Tips. Cbalk; Pocket C«stings with leathers, and fringe conipleto; Pocket nettings, fringe nnd leathers; Rubber covers; Court Plaster. green and black; New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles: Shake balls and leather bottles; Pool pius; Markers, etc., etc. Tlie above go als have been pnrchased at reduced rates. and the uudersigucd is now j>vepared to do au\ au-.l all kinds of EiLLlAUl) TABLE WORK at reasonab!e rates wllh dispatch. AIso new 4 aUd|second h.uul Billiard and Pool Tablcs foV S.ile. Please apply to J. P. BOWEN, Pen\ Biock. Hoiel St. Honoluln |Jr E.. 8( Bp v o, lMPORTEPiS AM) DEALEKS IX 6roceries, Provis!ons & Feed E.VST COEXEK FOKT A KIXG STS. NEW GQ0DS R£CEIVED Bv every Packet frow the EastcrnStates and Eur< pe. ‘ • AU Orders {iithfnl!v atteud d to. and Goods delivered 1 to any j»rt • f the Cstv— Free of t'h >rge. Island Orders soliciled. Satisfi.ctM>n gm.n.ut-. I. 1 Post Offkt. F.ox Nn. 145. X■>. »3. GR OPliNING OF THE *e ! Robinson B!ock. Hote! St, oppo. Bethel St. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY & CAB1NET IV1AKING ON HASD AN F.XTENSIVK AXSORTMKNT OF ■\Vicker AVare, Antiaue Onk Bedroorn Suits, Chifioniers, Sideboards, etc. Wardrobes, Nlaitrasses, Pii!ows, Etc., MAl>E TO ORDER. No Second Hand or Damaged 6oods Kept on Hand. ORDWAY & PORTER. Kobiason Bh ek. Hotel St., oppo. Betbel St