Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THK K H i ‘I like it Bdt, mv 'oni >be sa!J: Tbal āhoaUl «ar »ith brs w »reof: “Thū Urgg*r-mai<! ihail U( a>r j 1 am « woEuu», aa.i as one, L;ke o.ther mtu.L-s 1 woaki be vi.)rti a .4 mm.’ ! The king bowed ilown his cw»ted hr«.i ‘Mr (airone hare roar »at ' he <u.i: *Wilt he onr bri.W?’ Tbe cv>nrt '■ Ji. ■ While wtlh orii«.’ne«;h (rin§rd L.>h- ' . .. . g np, she said . ‘Mr k»rd, roo het yonr ldt- I wili,’ >VhaC He >«r .pt-ti. — ; "lien Co!nmbos liu.io.1 oa o-tr si ■>rv\. A rejx>rter, with bold effrt>ni’rv. Did noi aeo>st the Ilaliaa with; ‘Sar. Chns., how do roa like nr C.*nn;r/? Mv sox, be consen.ttive It $ better to be a g*.otl (irv-gou. , <r clerk tban to plunge into l:terature. for the law comj»els people to wear clothes, but «loes nol eompel them to re.ul poetry. Christmas Presents The nndersigned beg leave to eall the attention to a large nssortment of tasteful and ebgau» Jeweliy, suitable for Chi:>tu. » Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in ditferent >iz» s Hawaiian Je\velrv, a specialty. If you want to buy an eleg:i.l ard at the same time an im « usive Christmas Present. call aronnd and inspect mv st«>ck THOS. L1M)S\Y. Melnerny liloek. Fort St. Hoi.ole!» decl t( Ooa-eiki Llne to WAIKIKI PARX iSans Souci 5; Diair L cnd jiead TIME TABLE. WO CHAIM & Co. Mercliant 'Pailop King street, Thomas’ BI«. k, next door to Holomua <>ffice. A11 Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and L\ THE LATEST STYLR t i Clothes Cleaned and Repaire*L no27 KW0HG S1HG CH0NG & C0. Ccm.tr a.ctcr cSs AjLild.cz \\ e also keep on haod Bēdstēads. Mattrassē s, Tablēs, Bookcasēs, MiRRORS £rc., ! AT THĒ LOWĒST UARKET PRfCEs 1 i No. 216 Kiug st.. Monolalu de4 3m