Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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- 1 Rair Mrt. What nation in frugality With ScotIand c-*n c*>mpjire? We know it for reality | 6ome Scotchoaen live on Ayr. G. B. >UST ARRIVED, w m m* Baby Carriages 0F .iLL STYLES, N|al$, L\ THE LATISrjPAlTERSS. “HOUSEHOLD" !Se\vino[ Machines H.vxix Sewixg Macoixes, [ t*'All Wi'.h the Latf>t Improvements'^ī'3 PAKLOK Organs, *Gruitars, And Other MnsīoaI In.strnments. \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYSOX* HAXT», A\D FOK BY EB. !!OFFSSHLiEGER & C0. Kiag St.. oppo. Custle Jc Cooke’i. L'i 1 ** All Uniem promptlv ittteuded ta. WHITE, RITMAN CO. Lone 1 Branch w BATH IN G Establi3hment. TLis First-«las-s Bathirg Ilesort j has been enlarged and is now ov»en to the puldic. It is tho I best p!ace ou tiie islands to enjoy ■ n bath and there is no better i plaee to lay ofF. Special aeeom- ; modations for Ladies. Trameare pas8 t]ie door evcr\ haif bourand on Saturdays and Sandays every tifteen minates. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. CH0CK LOOK, i Merchajit Tailor Xo. 321 Xnosni Street, ALL 9U1TS GUARASTEED T0 F1T, and MADE in the BESTSTTLE. CLOTHES CLEANED 1 axd KEPAIKEP.