Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HWH HOLOMUA, IS PCBLISHED Every Al'lenioon EXCEIT «CXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co, At King St. (Tbomas block), Honololn, H. I. SU3S3EIPTI0N, per Koath, 50 Cts. The pfcper is ,lelivered hy C.imere in tbe town and snhnrbs. S»n«le Copie> fjr S»le at the News De:tlers and at ihe Office of pablication. A3RAHAM FēRSANDEZ, • Man?,ger ĒDMUVD ,\'0RRIE. - - Editor XOTICE. All Ilasinesa C.>mmurieatious shonld be vldresKp.l to Ahrahaiu Feruandez, Hi>uolalu, H. I. Corresp>ndence and Conmiuuicjitions for pnhliualiou shonld l>e ;»ddressed to the Editor Hawnii Hoīonina. No notke will be paid to any anouymons oommauications. 3u3inc$$ e r ards A. P. PETEUSOX, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. -Office: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnla Hawaiian Islands. . i CHAKLES CREIGHTON, ATTORXEV AI LAW. Office: 113 Knahnmann Stivet, Honolnlu . Hawaiiau Islands. PAUL NEUMAN. ATTORNEY AT L.\W. dli il*3rcbunt Street. Honolnlu, Mutnul Telepbone 415. * CLAKENCE W. ASHFOED, ATTOKNEY AKD COCNSELLOR AT / ' LAW. Officc. OM Capitol Bn liine. (Houolnln liale), adj.‘iuing Fosl Offioe, Honolulu. J. M. DAVJDSON, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, 306 Morcbunt St.. OOiee (Mutual) Tal. 1S0, lL'sidouce 67. A. KOSA, ATrOKNEY AT LAW, No. 15 KuabamauuSt.,Honolala, Hawuiian Islands. S. K. KA N~S, aTiOkn;:y ,vt law. OfKce: Corner Kiqg aml Bctbel streets. u’.>-st,iirs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOENEV AT LAW, Office, o >rner King-A Bethel Sts. F. H. BEDWAI»D, CONTRACTOR \sd CnLDEE, No. 506 Kinu Street. Honoluln. Huwaiiun IsluuJs. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Heal Estate and General Auctioneer. Corner F >rt aud Queca S;reels., Honolnln Person»tl attention g ven to $ales of Fura:lure. Eeal Estate, • Stook and Geueral Merchandise. AIutoal Tclepbi>ae 23S.