Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 Kekemapa 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
[VV«r k> not i>nr*K.lxe* re«pon«ble fpr I th* opinion* or tbe cttfctan«-s of t>ar eomf*po€ aenl».] Ei/m a Holohua: Two |M?rs«»nr. one in tbe c< luums of your j>;tper. Mr. E.litnr s:guing Limse!f Lo\alist auJ the otber signittg bin;self T. H Da vies m tbe rolnmn> of tbe Bniletin have a<lvocate«l a coinprnmise to end ‘tbe situation as it is" :tnd muke up some kind ! of a mixture that will be “the s:tuation" not “as it will be, ' but but as tbose two trimmiug Janushead * d milk-and-watery indiridn als ‘*wonld iike it to be. Now Mr. E<litor “tbe sitnation as it is” bas l>een made “bitter” not <»n!v by the talk, but by tne <ctions of tbe P. (i. aud its adberents. To taik < f tbem forming. assisting to nphohliug a good and stable governmeut nnless tbey bave tbe full sole and whole control of it, aml tbe make-np uf its per?onnel is like averring. tbat tlie bog is sole!y a gmminivorons brnte or tbat ttie dog will not sw.<llow its own vomit. lt will be fonnd impossible to arrange any compromise with t!iose bitter adherents < f tbe revolutionnn’ party. Tbey have everytbiag to Iose and notbing to gain by any snch action. Tbe moderate men of tbeir own side wonld tbrow tbem over as soou as coalition was effected aml tbis tbey know. They bave tasted of ihe tlesbpots and tho !oaves aml fishes, aml tbey don’t desire to eat opposition funeral baked raeats ugain. Aud even supposing such were j»ossible. Mr. Editor, are tbose who have “borne the beat and burden of tbe day” to be thrown over to j acify a lot of rebels who have doue nothing but vilify and defame tbe Ioyal supporters of the crown and eoustitntion and injure their business aud social prospects ? Is tbis to be done to please Mr. Loyalist and 3Ir. Davies ? Or wonkl even thut absurdly idiotic idea of tbe latter's, to appoal to a board of pbilantLropists, wouid even that prodnce such a suicidal resnlt ? No, better that we (?) shonld be style<l and treated as a deu of outlaws. Orperhaps the anxiety on Mr. Davies’ part is to save tbe scalps olheial and otberwise of tliose who bave pnblicly aml privately decried him au<l proclaimed him as everv kind of villain, swiudler, and irapions ralg»r sbop keeping meddler tbey eoulil tbink of. M'hieh may ven well for Mr. Davies’ Cbristian spirit but doesn t go far as as eoiuinon sens<;. No, Mr. Edit< r, No Surrender ! No Compromi.se !! Tnrn tbe Rascals Out ’ A Tkce JLoyalist.