Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 65, 4 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I{ o v«i 1 Ilawaiian | Opera House ! L. J. Lew Lessee M. L. M. Plnnkett, Manager Thursday - Evening, Deceml>er 7, 1S93. FIR3T APPEAKANOE OK THE Mi sses Albu Graod Opening Concert of the above celebrxte<i artists in cboice select 008, incluiiiug tho Great Duet “prcm the Opcra cf jicnna" in whieh these gīftetl Artists | caosed snch a great furore at tha Opera Hou.se in San Frnnci«co. before an audience of 3,200 perI son». Popnlar priees. Ik'x plan open I on Wednes*lay morning, at L. J. 1 Le\y’s at 9 o’eloek. de-4