Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 Kekemapa 1893 — The Councils and the Finances. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Councils and the Finances.

Tbe conncils were in session on Thorsday. ~Judging from the report iu tbo official organ yesterday morning, no business was transacted. Tbe weekly Auaneial statement was prcsented. The current account halanee, shows a book amonnt of §155,100.31) in the treasury, whieh does not prove the true status of its hnaneial condition. It will be noticed that the expenditures have beeu yerj’ small, the largest item being in the Attorney-General’s dep’t. No doubt for payment to some of the numero\is prowlers and spjes. Whereas comparative!y nothing has been spent for public works, or anything decent. When tbe curr>nt aeeouni debts are all paid, the halanee will no doubt be considcrably reduced. The Total Treasury Ealanee, is announced to be §167,/49.04; if the Finance Minister will look over the figures, ho will no doubt find that the correct araouut is $157,635.28. Iu the Postal Savings Bank department, an amount of $T,015 has apparently been paid on account of withdrawals. hile the cash on hand balance shows a reduetion of $.3,636.95 since the report of last week. This is not a healthy showing.