Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT Bosines8 of a Fi<hjdary Natare Tnnsact«d. Prompt attenticm given to the m&nagfinent of Eetates, Gaar.!unsLips, Trasts, etc., etc., etc. Ojflces, : Vartivright Building, Merchant Street, Honolaln. W. S. LUCE q q q AVine arid Spirit Merchant Cam]ibt‘U F■ ' , t-'proof Bluck, MERCHANT r>T. HONOLULU | C. T. x\ Iv.VXA MERCHtllH TfilL0R, 3*24 Numnu Street .A.11 Suits Ouaranteed To Fit aud in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned aud Repaired. nol7 NAK-YU-SHOSHA. JUST KECEIUED from JAPAN SoveraI Kindfof Cotton Crape, Latcst Styie of Shirts in different qnalities. A$oPfcment of poPeelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Curios snitable for Christiaa”s Goods. 411 KING STREET, Honoluin. Telephones, Bell 474. P.O. Bos 386. Mnlnal 544. nol3 Im CITY MEAT MARKET I Oppo. Queen Emma Hall. Establisbed 1883. j JOS. T1NKER, FAMILYSBUTCHER Maker of the Celebrafed Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Trv Them. Meat Delivereil to Any Part of tbe Cit}- and Soburbs. Miuual Telephone Number 283. LEWIS A C0., \Aholesale and Retail Grocers ASD PP.OVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORMA 3ALM0N ONICB j Bv Erenr SLs:i F»nct«o St*am*r. Salt Salmon in Babpxls A Br£CULTT. iij Fcrt St., HoneMu. Td. 240, j P. O. Box 297.